Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Friday, May 15, 2009

Cast Party "Best of Show"

Thanks to Janine & Dave Lord for having the cast party at their home! It was a fantastic event with lots of laughter, fun, and smiles.

Round Rock Leader

The folks at the local paper came to the school today, took notes, some photos, and plan to put something in the paper about our fantastic students! They publish on Saturdays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays so keep your eye out for our 3rd grade stars. . .

Thanks for the Flowers!

“We give flowers for many different reasons; love, remembrance, apologies,
in support and simply for no reason at all. In the theatre world, flowers became part of the tradition and superstition of the play in the Middle Ages. From those early years, the belief started that having flowers on stage was unlucky, unless they were handed to (an actor) at the end of the performance, at which point it is considered good luck.” ~ Victor Epand



Character Matters II?

The kids are smarter than you think . . .

Before the cast had even gotten to the second show of the day, the questions started. "Are you going to do this next year?" "Will you do a show again for 4th grade?"

By the evening cast party, the same questions were aimed at me, only this time from the parents.

What an honor and a compliment. THANK YOU!

A Note from the Principal

Just wanted to commend all of the 3rd grade drama club students for doing such an awesome job on their play today. The students were spectacular and the singing selections were first rate!

I truly appreciate you and your team of parents for facilitating the 3rd grade drama club.

Very well done!!!

Character truly does matter. A valuable message for our students and all adults as well.

Thank you again and have a great weekend.
Dr. Wilson


One down, two to go . . . and the kids were AWESOME. Truly. Every line was said. Every song was sang. Every pause for laughter done right.

There was a fair bit of stage fright at the beginning when the cafeteria filled with their friends from third grade and the kids in fourth and fifth. I encouraged them to look at me, not at the audience, and they delivered! In the words of Randy Jackson, "Check it out. It was the bomb!" Even Simon would have had a smile for those third grade kiddos, so filled with heart and courage, that I was blown away. And so was anyone else in the room. I could not have been prouder.

BIG WOO HOO, Mom & Dad. You have really helped your child become an incredible, brave and fearless performer. Hats off to all of you!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Final Rehearsal.

Just another wake-up and your child will be a STAR! Final dress rehearsals went well and I'm looking forward to their energy and excitement tomorrow when they finally perform it for an audience.

Wondering how to best cheer your child on? Remember to tell them to have fun, do their best, speak slowly and loudly. You'll be amazed by them!


Cast Party

Hopefully your student brought home the cast party flyer today! It's immediately after the show until 9:30 PM. If you didn't get the scoop, catch up with us be email.

T-Shirts on Friday & Call Times

Reminder: ALL Students should wear their CHARACTER MATTERS T-shirt tomorrow (they may bring a shirt to wear the rest of the day so it stays clean for all three performances.)
7:15 AM onstage in the morning
6:15 PM in the science lab in the evening

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Road Trip

Word around Sea World today was that the cast of Character Matters had some bus time rehearsals on the way to San Antonio . . .

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Coming soon to your home theatre . . .

Our wolf's papa, Anthony Riqulemy, has volunteered to videotape and record the show, Character Matters, on Friday. He will be making a DVD for each family.

Costumes, Check. Set, Check.

It's an exciting day on set! The kids are eager to get their costumes and we'll have a dress rehearsal this afternoon with our sets done and ready to go. Tickets for reserved seating will be sent home today. They only account for a third of the seats, so the rest of your family and friends are welcome too. No rehearsal tomorrow, unless of course the kids want to sing their songs all the way to Sea World and back . . .

Monday, May 11, 2009

Keep Practicing at Home

The kids are getting more and more comfortable with their lines and songs. But don't stop now just because they know the lyrics. Keep practicing with junior at home and work on their diction, volume, and expressiveness. We do that at rehearsal, but we need your reinforcement too!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Final Week!

This week we have morning rehearsals Monday through Thursday with afterschool rehearsals on Tuesday and Thursday from 12:45-2:45 PM. Friday we got a *lot* of staging done and had a number of run-throughs.

Friday we will have a 8:00 AM performance for 3-5 grades, a 1:30 PM performance for K-2 grades and our evening performance for families at 7:00 PM.

Each of the kids have been tasked with reading their lines and working on their songs 4 times this weekend so hopefully you're mind is full of Character Matters lyrics!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

T-Shirts on Friday

On Friday, May 8th we will be taking a GROUP photo for the cover of the show program so please have your child wear (or bring) their Character Matters T-shirt tomorrow. We have rehearsal tomorrow at 7:10 AM before school and at 12:45 PM to 3:45 PM after school.

The Drama Club has put together a silent auction donation for the Bash tomorrow afternoon. It has an autographed cast list, a show T-shirt, and FOUR tickets to for the FRONT ROW for the show. Bid high, bid early, bid often . . . .

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Drama Club Rehearsals Resume

The district has lifted the ban on school activities effective immediately.

Therefore, we *will* have THURSDAY and FRIDAY morning rehearsal this week as previously scheduled in the science lab at 7:10 AM.

We will also have FRIDAY afternoon rehearsal from 12:45 PM (early release) until 3:45 PM. We will NOT have rehearsal during recess (or lunch) tomorrow.


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Petition Denied

Two-thirds of the cast banded together today during recess. Rehearsing their lines together impromptu-like and without adult prompting, you ask? No, not at all . . .

They signed a petition requesting that we rehearse during LUNCH TIME on Thursday. The 10 who didn't sign the petition are not about to give up lunch, I'm told.


Sunday, May 3, 2009

Drama Club in Lights!

If you haven't made your way into school lately, take a look at the FANTASTIC bulletin board our parents put up showcasing the 3rd grade drama club. It's incredible . . .