Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Kids Are My Inspiration

I have no witty or insightful remarks today. That is because we haven't met with the kids yet this week. They are so much fun to work with and have so much energy, they do inspire me!

So, the character trait we'll talk about is work ethic. That is, the dedication to a team, a club, a group, a job, or an organization that requires us to do our best; to want to do our best. I can tell your kids have it. And I'm looking forward to seeing the results on Thursday afternoon when we next meet.

These few days of interlude are perfect for learning lines, learning songs, learning cues, and learning how to experiment with the same line over and over again to achieve different effects. Let your son or daughter do that with you! Listen to their one grand line as it is delivered with joy, delivered with sadness, delivered with amazement, delivered with silliness, delivered with courage. Ask your child to say his line again and again with different tones, different emotions, different physical postures. You are part director in this show. Help us!

Then, on Thursday, we'll meet with the kids ONSTAGE to read through the show with our cast, as our cast, and I will be prepared to be blown away by the work you have done at home!

Fern Bluff Drama Club

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