Sunday, April 19, 2009

Witch 8; Baby Bear 0

So the popular parts seem to be Witch (8), Princess (7), Goldilocks (6), Prince (5), Wolf (4), Cinderella & Rapunzel (3) each.

Clearly, we can't cast 8 kids in the role of Witch so there will be some unhappy kids at the end of this week when they are not cast in their most favorite role of the show.

You can help us make it less disappointing!

Ask your daughter what other parts there are in the play. Remind your son or daughter that there are "no small parts, only small actors." Why? Because that is what all directors would say. Every single cast member has an IMPORTANT role. Can Goldilocks be successful without the three bears? No! And yet not one kid asked to play papa bear, mama bear, or baby bear. Can the wolf be as fierce without the three pigs? No. Yet another set of roles that remain without students clamoring for casting.

So I ask you: talk with your child between now and Friday (when we hope to share the cast list and distribute take home scripts). Explain percentages. Share theatre philosophy. Make sure she understands that all parts are good parts! Make sure he understands that there is no show without all the characters.

Characters Matter.

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